Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cleaning in Between

Well, since I seem to be on an oven-cleaning frenzy, here's another strange, but kinda cool cleaning tip:

I somehow ended up with some schmutz in between the panes of glass on my oven door. I have no clue how it got there, and worse yet, no clue how to clean it. I spent over an hour trying to take apart my oven door one afternoon, and after removing screws, gently prying, prodding, and even swearing, I came to the conclusion that it was a job best left to the professionals. It just seemed so silly to me to pay someone to come to my house just to clean the inside of the oven door. I mean really, how hard could it be??? Well, since I seem to be spending loads of time on the computer anyway, I did a quick search on the topic, and much to my surprise, I found the answer. There is a deep, dark, little secret on how to clean in between those panes of glass that I'm going to share with you...

OK, first step is to remove the drawer on the bottom of the oven. Now, if you're like me, you'll find many dust bunnies, crumbs, and maybe even some long-lost treasures down there when you do. I took the opportunity to clean under there, after yelling "EEEEWWWWWW!!!!!", of course.

Once the drawer has been removed, look at the underside of the bottom edge of your oven door. This may require lying on the floor, or perhaps a little bit of contortionism. Or you know, just feel it with your hands. There should be a couple large holes along the bottom edge of the door.

Get something with a longish handle (I used a big wooden spoon) and cover it with a cloth, such as a towel or a sock. Secure with a rubber band, and spray the cloth lightly with glass cleaner.

Now here's where the genius part comes in: shove the sock-covered-spoon in one of those holes on the bottom of the oven door, and wipe away all the gooey stuff that is between the panes of glass. Brilliant, right???

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